Friday, July 24, 2009

When You Stare Into the Abyss...

... the Abyss stares right back. There's some pretty bad problems with that face, not the least of which is the texture. His lips are darker than the rest of his flesh tone, which, when looking at it here, looks REALLY odd, so that's gotta change. I've been having troubles figuring out how to make the eyes function properly, since they aren't spheres right now. I figure a good solution is to actually make them spheres and change the face to accomodate. Currently, his eyes are unmoving nearly-flat domes with separate circle pupils. This could potentially work, but I imagine in practice it would be easier to do the former than try to animate the latter.

As for the rest of the texture, well... I'm not UNhappy with it. The gloves are a big pain point since nothing seems to fit well with them, and texturing fingers and toes is a royal pain. I am pretty happy with the overall ensemble, though. And the hair turned out okay.

Maybe it all just looks off because of that vacant, soul-crushing stare. It's like the toys from Toy Story when people are around, except not nearly as endearing.

1 comment:

  1. Eyes (the iris and pupil) can be planes/polygons shaped into a circle ala world of warcraft and placed slightly infront of the eyeball for a low poly eye effect that can move around.

    Check out World of Warcraft models for an example.
