Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Character Model - Dmitri Hesker

Well, here he is, mostly, kinda, sorta done. At least where modeling is concerned.

Total time spent on it is hard to measure, since I didn't work on it every day and never kept track of time when I did, so we'll highball it and say it was 35 hours or so. He's close to 12,000 triangles, so about 6,000 polygons.

And yeah, his name is Dmitri Hesker. It's been the same name for years and I have no intention of changing THAT about him. Mind you, this model is the result of his seventh or so redesign.

Arms may seem a bit long, but that's entirely on purpose since his hands are so large. I tried balancing it off by giving him wide feet.

As for what's left to model, all he really needs is "straps" which go over the gaps in his shirt. When textured, those will be the large cross-stitches holding the sleeves onto the rest of the shirt. And a few tweaks here and there, of course. I plan to fully texture this model and rig it, but I'm not too sure about animation yet. Rigging will just be for posing it out.

What do you think? Comment and let me know if you think anything needs changing.

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