Sunday, July 19, 2009


The model's texture isn't yet complete, but then I've had a pretty busy, exciting week. Last Friday I was supposed to have a job interview for a teacher assistant position at a small, local media academy. Turns out there was a mis-scheduling or something, so the interview didn't happen, but I did have a nice little chat with the assistant director and we rescheduled for next week. While it's not a game development job per se, it most certainly is an opportunity to work with what knowledge of game design I do possess, particularly modeling and animation.

Anyway, back to the issue of the texture. I must not have adequate memory on my PC, because Maya will slow to a chuggy crawl if I begin editing the UV map now that some textures are applied to the model. It looks okay so far. No highlights or blemishes on the skin (it's still all that flat colour), or the hair (same), but the clothes are looking pretty good.

Oh, right. I promised a drawing today.

I do fancy myself a bit of a writer, and this here is a villainous guy called Ash Wordos. His name is a play on the demon name Asmodeus, and he's one of seven assassins in the story. Ash is the only one of them who isn't actually human, but rather a construct of magic. He can easily change his shape as a result.


  1. I think this could make a really good model. The proportions seem a bit off though? But I'm not sure if that's on purpose with the one arm, the other looks a bit big too though.

    I really like the overall design except I feel like the head is lacking in detail compared to the rest of the body/outfit. I get that you want to hide his face somewhat, and I think that's cool and works. But maybe play up the demon thing a bit with his face maybe having his face mostly shrouded in darkness but with glowing eyes or something? And maybe more evil teeth, not like ridiculous fangs but subtly sharper canines perhaps.

  2. Oh also I picture him being like deep purples and blues, I think it would look cool.
