Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The model took WAY longer to UV map than I had originally planned for. Maya crashed twice during the proceedings. Fortunately, not much was lost since I was saving often. The second crash was due to Maya using up so much memory it wouldn't let me save out the UV map. Whee, fun times.

Obviously, this is not nearly close to being fully textured yet, but there are some basic colours and a little bit of texturing on it. I mainly wanted to see how my colour choices would look, and overall it's pretty good, I guess. Originally his shorts were to be red, but I decided to change them to blue to keep closer to his earlier designs (his original had him wearing nothing BUT blue. He also had blue hair. Ah, to be 16 again...).

I've noticed I haven't put up very many drawings save for the front and side view of this model when I started. Next update I'll throw up a few sketches of other characters.

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