Finally, I have decided to pull myself out of this apathetic (also pathetic) slump to continue work on the Dmitri model. Or rather, the textures, starting with the eyes and hair and other small touches.
Finally, he's got actual eyes instead of two vacant black dots. It's amazing what an iris and some fake shine can do to make a character seem more alive. The hair is another matter, however. I believe I mentioned how slapdash the UV map for it was before, so I've really just been layering a ton of different things on it to try to make it look good and hide seams. It's worked, for the most part, and I think I can say I'm satisfied with it now.
Other things I did were, obviously, that "stubble" on the chin, and added a bit of noise to the skin. The latter is hardly noticeable, though. The former... looks okay, I suppose. I can already see the comments from my friends: "It looks like dirt." Which is true enough, I suppose, but it'll do for the time being.
I'm beginning to doubt I'll have the will to rig this one. Rigging is a pain for me and I'll avoid doing it if I can, even if it would be nice to have this guy fully poseable. I guess we'll see.
Oh, and one more treat...