Saturday, June 27, 2009

Catching Up

Settling back into things has proven somewhat difficult.

I moved back out to British Columbia to be with my parents for the summer, and I shipped my computer over here via courier. I just received it this past Friday, and the weekend has been more or less a drain on my psyche, fixing computer issues and spending gratuitous amounts of money.

I have tried to use Unreal, but the all-too-familiar freezing reared its ugly head, so I'm thinking I'll put the level on a temporary hold for now. I can't use Unreal for more than 20 minutes before it freezes my entire machine.

That hasn't stopped me from modeling stuff though. Even if it's just trees and stuff like that. With Unreal being so difficult, my personal drive to make stuff has been dampened somewhat.

I'll continue to post here, however. If not actual content as least some means of progress reports. The character design I showcased some time ago would be a prime project to get started on now.

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